WB boys, UP girls win Jr Natl gymnastic team titles

West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh won the boys and girls team titles respectively in the 49th Junior National Gymnastics Championship at J N Indoor Stadium in Cuttack today. Andhra Pradesh girls and Orissa boys finished runners-up. The third positions went to Maharashtra and. Results (Team championship): Girls: 1. West Bengal (263.700 points) 2. Andhra Pradesh (237.850 pts) 3. Maharashtra (221.500 pts) Boys: 1. UP (352 points), 2. Orissa 348.15 (Rakesh Kumar Patra, Jagabandhu Sahu, Chinmay Behera, Subhankar Ray, Santosh Das, Javed Akhtar, Rahul Bhuyan) 348.15 pts, 3. AP (337.65 pts).
